Tag Archives: House

Spring Cleaning

spring cleaningSpring is around the corner, really it is, and it’s time to get your home in order!

Spring cleaning can be fun and easy if you follow some general guidelines, which are sure to get your home ready for the nice weather and looking as beautiful as the weather is about to. Kick the winter clutter to the curb with these spring cleaning tips.

Start With The Closets

Spring is here, and winter wear is no longer needed! It’s time to box up all of the winter boots, jackets, gloves, and scarfs until next season.

Starting your spring clean with your closets is a good tip, and will get you prepared for the rest of the process while creating more space and organization in the bedrooms of the house. This is also the perfect opportunity to create a “give away” box full of clothes that are no longer being worn. I always recommend the local Disabled American Veterans (DAV).

Reorganize: Bookshelves, Countertops, And Desks

Reorganizing is the perfect way to prepare your home for the spring and summer. Good clutter is common in many homes, like useful books that are interesting for guests to read or decorations that offer a sense of warmth and character to the home.

So pick up the fallen and leaning books on the bookshelf, reorganize your kitchen countertops, and de-clutter your home office. For busy home offices, purchase organizational tools like additional shelving units, compile and file away old bills and receipts, and toss anything else that is no longer needed or of any use.

Get Scrubbing: Removing Stains And Odors

Getting ready for spring means removing the stains, dirt, and odors that accumulated in your home over the colder months. First, you should start with wiping your painted walls with a wet cloth to remove scuffmarks and dust.

If the water doesn’t do the trick, you can try mixing a little dishwashing soap in with the bucket of warm water. You may even want to repaint certain high-traffic areas, like entrance halls and the baseboards around the front door.

Next, you can go for the floors. Having a fresh carpet cleaning is sure to kick-start your spring cleaning; this may be something that you wish to have done by a professional. To make the most out of your carpet cleaning, have it scheduled for when the kids are out of the house for a while, and wait until the worst of the weather is over.

Make sure the kids take their shoes off inside, but get them to leave their socks on to avoid natural oils from getting into your freshly cleaned carpet. Vacuum area rugs in the same fashion, and mop the kitchen and bathroom floors at the same time you clean your hardwood floors.

Give the showers, bathtubs, and toilets in the house a good scrub. In the kitchen, empty the fridge and freezer of their contents, and give the inside a good scrub down as well.

Once the tidying, de-cluttering, and scrubbing are done, you will get to enjoy the fun part of spring cleaning: spring decorating! And while you’re at it, why not buy yourself and your home some spring flowers for a job well done.

If you’re doing a big spring clean this year because you’re looking to sell your home, these tips will get your home ready for any buyer’s eyes. And, don’t discount the value of a professional home staging company. Contact me today to get more tips on buying or selling a home, or the referral to a great real estate agent.

Owen Riess

NMLS # 543286 Equal Housing Lender

Marketplace Home Mortgage NMLS # 1082

Buyer’s Agent

Buyer's Agent, Owen Riess, @owenriessWhy You Need a Buyer’s Agent

A buyer’s agent is the real estate agent that represents the buyer in the purchase of a home.

Almost all home buyers start looking for homes online and visiting open houses.  The real estate agent listing the home is the listing (selling) agent.  They are under legal contract with the seller to represent the seller’s best interests in the transaction.

There are many reasons why you need a buyer’s agent to represent you:

  1. They will look for a home on your behalf that meets your needs. This will save you time and money.  They can send you current and new listings for the criteria you select.
  2. They are qualified negotiators that are working for you. They will pull together all of the information about what other houses are selling for that are similar to the one you want to buy so you don’t pay too much.
  3. The Buyer’s Agent is someone to buffer you from pushy Sellers, pushy Listing Agents and anyone else who is not obligated to look out for your best interests.
  4. Someone to help you understand what you must do to protect yourself in a real estate transaction so  you don’t end up with a crappy house that you paid too much for.
  5. They can arrange private showing where you and they can review the home honestly and without sale pressure from the listing agent.
  6. Someone to explain the whole process to you, from making the offer to getting the deal closed.

In working with many different buyers agents over the years, I would recommend that you meet with a few agents to see who you want to work with and feel confident in.  This is an important choice and you need to feel that they are working for you at all times. Attributes to consider in selecting a buyer agent:

  1. Do they communicate open and honestly.  Do they return phone calls and email promptly?  Are they honest about a home that is not what you are looking for?
  2. Do you genuinely feel that they are working for you?
  3. Are readily available to meet with you and show homes?
  4. Are they familiar with the communities you are searching in or are they willing to research to get the answers to all of your questions.

If you do not feel they are working hard for you it would be a good idea to look for a different agent, one that will consider your objectives, and help you to achieve them.

If you have any questions or would like to meet an excellent buyer’s agent please give me a call at 952.837.3366.

Thank you!

Owen Riess

Marketplace Home Mortgage, LLC


NMLS # 543286

(952) 837-3366

Equal Housing Opportunity Lender

Social Media Dreams 2K14

Words from Owen Riess Sixty or seventy years ago our social network was held at zero dark thirty at the local café. Over coffee we discussed when to plant, and when to harvest, the price of seed, bushels per acre, and the weather. As we moved to urban and suburban our social network was in the yellow pages. I can remember sitting around the conference table with the executive staff trying to decide if we would spend $15K or $25K this year on yellow page ads. Then when the yellow pages showed up searching for our advertisement knowing this is how we would get found by our customers, old and new. Today, if the yellow pages shows up we don’t even look inside the bag it comes in. We pick it up and drop it in the recycling bin.

Today if we want to find something we Google it. If I can’t find you on Google, you don’t exist. Today, our social network consists of LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook. Today, social media finds you. Give it a test. Go to your Facebook page and type cowboy boots and it won’t be long before all the ads on your page are pitching shoes, boots and riding lessons. Now type, snow tires and watch how all the ads change to tires, travel and automobiles. Social media will find you.

I built and manage the LinkedIn company profile for a small Midwestern mortgage company (under 200 employees). LinkedIn has roughly 250 million individual users and 3 million company pages. I recently received a ‘top ten’ LinkedIn company page for 2K13 award. So when I say social media is about listening and engaging, not just broadcasting, you should believe me.

Announcing the Best LinkedIn Company Pages of 2013 http://blog.linkedin.com/2013/12/10/announcing-the-best-linkedin-company-pages-of-2013-slideshow/

There are lots of articles today regarding where social media is going, how important it is to business, small and large. How to build it, how to use it, how to use it better. This brings me to my ‘wish list’ for social media for 2K14.

I.  LinkedIn should allow your company LinkedIn page to be linked to your company Twitter account.

II. Twitter should provide an easy way to delete all DM’s in a single motion.

And, if you can add to that list peace on earth everything will be good. That’s my social media wish list for 2K14. I would love to hear what yours is, so don’t be shy let me know your thoughts, and wishes.

Happy New Year

Owen Riess

Minnesota Requires Radon Testing

radon testingEffective January 1, 2014, the Minnesota Radon Awareness Act requires additional disclosure and education be provided to potential home buyers during residential real estate transactions in Minnesota. Before signing a purchase agreement to sell or transfer residential real property, the seller shall disclose in writing to the buyer any knowledge the seller has of radon concentrations in the dwelling.

What is radon?

Radon is a colorless, odorless radioactive gas that seeps up from the earth. When inhaled, it gives off radioactive particles that can damage the cells that line the lung. Long term exposure to radon can lead to lung cancer. In fact, over 21,000 lung cancer deaths in the US each year are from radon, making it a serious health concern for all Minnesotans.

Radon comes from the soil. Radon is produced from the natural decay of uranium that is found in nearly all soils. Uranium breaks down to radium. As radium disintegrates it turns into radioactive gas…radon. As a gas, radon moves up through the soil and into the air you breathe. Radon is the number one cause of lung cancer in non-smokers and the second leading cause of lung cancer (after tobacco) in smokers. Thankfully, this risk should be entirely preventable through awareness and testing.

While radon is present everywhere, and there is no known, safe level, your greatest exposure is where it can concentrate-indoors and where you spend most time-at home. Homes can have radon whether it be old or new, well-sealed or drafty, and with or without a basement.  Two components that affect how much radon will accumulate in a home are pathways and air pressure.

Please feel free to call me concnerning any home buying questions.

Thank you!

Owen Riess, Loan Officer

NMLS #543286 cell 952-240-3020

Autumn Leaves

autumn leaves, pumpkin coach, The kids are back in school, the weather is getting cooler and your yard is covered in a layer of fallen leaves. Yep, it’s that time of the year again, but don’t think of fall leaves as a chore. They can be a useful resource for fertilizing your lawn or even decorating your home for autumn.

Finish The Raking

It’s tempting to just let the leaves lie in the yard. It’s good fertilizer anyway, right? Wrong. You should rake everything up as soon as the trees begin to look bare, or else risk the blanket of leaves smothering your lawn over the winter season. Gather them up in plastic bags and put them to use.

Refuse To Rake Leaves

If you can’t bring yourself to pick up a rake, you do have an alternative. Wait until the leaves are dry and crunchy and fire up the lawnmower once more before winter. Many mowers have a mulch setting that will chop the fallen leaves to bits.

The smaller pieces won’t suffocate your lawn, and the crushed leaves make a good fertilizer. If you’d rather use the leaf bits in the garden or a flowerbed, use a grass clipping catcher with your mower to gather up the pieces as you mow.

Use Mulch And Fertilizer

Fresh chopped leaves are a good homemade mulch. Put a layer on the garden and the flower bed to replenish the soil over winter. Also, be sure to put a thick layer around young trees and shrubs to keep them warm. If you really want to get the most out of your leaves, then take them to the compost pile.

Mix the leaves in with the regular green yard waste, and the leaves will boost the composting process into overdrive. The fully composted material makes a potent fertilizer.

Get Crafty

Set some leaves aside to take indoors. The changing colors of the fall leaves are part of the beauty of autumn. Why not bring some of that beauty into the house?

Fill a vase with leaves for a seasonal centerpiece, or use a wire frame to make a wreath for the front door. You can make leaf etchings with the kids or simply use one as a bookmark.

It’s sad to see so many fall leaves burned up in piles, or put out with the trash. The leaves on the lawn aren’t just a mess to be cleaned up. Inside or outdoors, autumn leaves are an easy, natural, and free material. Be sure to put them to use!

Owen Riess | Mortgage Loan Originator NMLS # 543286

Competing Against Cash

Competing Against Cash Offers, www.owenriess.com You’ve been searching for the perfect home for quite a while, and finally, you’ve found it! You get all of your finances in order and place an offer on the house.

However, you’re not the only one that loves the home, because there are multiple offers — and one of them is cash.

Cash buyers are seen as desirable because they’re almost always a guaranteed quick close.

They don’t have to borrow money from a bank therefore won’t have any financing hang-ups, which is where a large portion of offers fall through. Don’t worry; not all hope is lost.

Follow the steps below to beef up your offer and get your foot in the door.

Less Expensive Homes

If you’ve put offers in on homes at the asking price and are continually beat out by buyers that are paying more, then you might want to consider looking in a lower price range. This is an especially smart strategy for those living in fast-selling markets. By looking at less expensive homes, you can be the one that puts in an offer over the asking price.

20 Percent Down Payment

Save up a higher down payment for the price range of homes you’re considering. If you can come up with 20 percent, then you’re in a position to wave the appraisal contingency for financing with the bank. The more you have in cash, the better.

Take-It-Or-Leave-It Home Inspection

This means that based on the home inspection, you’ll take the property with all its issues, or you’ll walk away. What you won’t do is ask the seller to waste more of their time and money fixing every little problem that’s found.


Waive the seller concessions, such as closing costs and the home warranty, and pay your real estate broker’s fees. These extra costs add up in the mind of the seller and will show that you really want the property.

Going up against cash buyers can be extremely discouraging. But, just because they’re dealing in cash doesn’t mean they’ll get the property. Many investors think they can put in a low offer because they’re dealing in cash.

So show you’re serious about a property, follow the steps above and put in your best offer. You’ll be a homeowner soon enough!

Contact me and we will get you pre-approved right away.  Owen Riess

oriess@marketplacehome.com or apply on-line at www.owenriess.marketplacehome.com


“location, location, location”

Owen Riess, owenriess, The old real estate cliche’ about “location, location, location” is true, as the area of the city where your home is located will have an impact on its future value as well as your lifestyle.

So what factors should you consider when you are choosing which neighborhoods to house hunt within?

Proximity to Your Daily Needs

If you work downtown, living out in the suburbs means that you will be adding time for a commute onto your day.

While this might be worth the cheaper prices for properties out of the town center, it is something to consider when making your decision.

You will also need to consider whether the house is near shopping centers, schools, doctors, dentists and other services that you will need regularly.

Planned Developments

When you are choosing a neighborhood to buy in, do some research into what developments are planned in the future for that part of town.

For example, you might be able to get a cheap price on a home that is out of the way, but a new proposed highway leading straight into the town center that will be built in the next five years could increase property values considerably.

Overall Atmosphere

Take a walk around the neighborhood where you are considering buying and get a sense of the overall atmosphere. Are there a lot of families living there? Are there green places to relax? Are people friendly and saying hello to you?

You want to live in a place where you feel welcome and comfortable.

Property Values

Different neighborhoods will have a range of house prices and you will want to look for something with the right balance of value.

Some areas of town will be very expensive but very nice; other areas will have cheap house prices but might not be as pleasant to live in. Take the time to find the neighborhood that is in the middle, where you will find the right house, and neighborhood, at a good price.

These are just a few of the factors to consider so that you can choose the right neighborhood to buy in.

For more information about buying a home, feel free to contact me your trusted mortgage professional today.

Owen Riess

Time for a good Spring Cleaning

spring cleaning oneSpring Cleaning typically happens when the weather gets warm, the air is fresh, the windows are opened and we are overcome with the urge to make everything inside our homes sparkle, shine and smell good.

This month I wanted to talk about ten areas to think about when it comes to spring cleaning:

  1.  Clutter Management.  Spring is the perfect time to go through those piles and remove the excess from your home.  Try three big clear plastic bins for keep, file and trash.  That will help you make a good start.
  2. Digital Management.  Take those documents from the file above bin and create a digital version.  Put those electronic files on a zip drive for storage.  Delete old email folders and unsubscribe to email blasts and newsletters that are no longer relevant.  Organize digital documents into folders.
  3.  Ceiling Fans.  These get a good cleaning, a replacement of burnt out light bulbs and a tiny drop of lubricant.  When you are up there cleaning you will see where the lubricant goes, and be careful not to overdo it, as the excess will inevitably drip.
  4. Window Treatments.   Typically, you are going to wash the blinds, or put the washable drapes into the washing machine, but you may need to take the drapes to the dry cleaners.  Make sure you dust or clean above the windows along the casings, and the soft brush on your vacuum works nicely for the window hardware.
  5. Seasonal Clothing.  Properly stored in a clean, cool, dry space out of the sunlight, preferably in clear easy to see through bins, will keep your winter clothing in good shape and easily accessible when the autumn rolls around.
  6. Mattress Management.  Remove and wash the mattress covers and inspect the mattress for wear and tear.  You may need to flip the mattress or just turn it to increase longevity. 
  7. Appliance Management.  This is a great time of year for an appliance checkup.  The cooling coils of the refrigerator need to be vacuumed, the dryer vents need to be cleaned all the way to the outside venting, and it is a good time to change the furnace and air condition filters and clean the humidifier.  If you are not comfortable with doing these tasks yourself, this would be a good service to investigate hiring an expert.  We count on our appliances to function properly when we ask them, and replacing or repairing any of them can be very expensive.  Preventative maintenance with your appliances will pay big dividends.
  8. The Garage.  I recommend that you take everything out of the garage and take the hose in and start by giving it a thorough cleaning using powdered Tide and lots of water.  The nice warm weather will have it dry and ready for use in no time.  To most this will seem a useless task, but it is very likely that your garage is the last resort for the ‘what do we do with this’ treasury you have saved.  This is a good time of year to try some new organization strategies for fishing, sports and tools.  Again, as a big fan of the clear bin it’s a good time to store all those Christmas decorations in a visible and easily accessible manner.
  9. Deck and Patio Spaces.  While you have everything out of the garage and you are waiting for it to dry it is time to get your outdoor spaces ready to entertain.  Clean the decks and patios and the furniture that goes on them and get it setup.  It may be a little early for any serious landscaping but a great time for some basic landscape repairs if any are required.  Some things are more accessible now before the foliage is in full growth mode.  It is also a good time to clean the exterior of the house that adjoins your patio and deck spaces, paying attention to the nooks and crannies and the windows and doors.
  10. The Grill.  Whether you have been using your grill in the snow or it’s been stored away for the winter now is the time to give it a thorough cleaning.  Get the grate off and get it cleaned.  Clean out the bottom of the grill and empty the drain container.  Get your propane tank filled and make sure the grilling utensils are clean and convenient for use.

So let’s get busy there’s no procrastination allowed.  It will be summer in no time and having everything clean, organized and in its place will take away a lot of guesswork and frustration.  If that isn’t enough you could defrost the freezer, update the first aid kit, and make big piles for the Disabled Vets to pick up.

If you are thinking about listing your house for sale this list is a minimum to maximize value.  A well maintained and properly priced home will sell very quickly.

If you are not selling this year my guess is by the time you have everything back in the garage and organized, the grill will be calling your name, your iTunes will be playing and you will remember why you bought that big soft deck chair in the first place.  Owen Riess

Owen Riess Resume

952.240.3020 owenriess@gmail.com


Marketplace Home Mortgage, Edina, Minnesota – June 2012 to Present


As the Social Media Manager I am responsible for social media policy, compliance, and content. Directly responsible for adherence to corporate policy with the specific objective through coaching, assisting and teaching to help each individual loan officer grow their business organically through social media. I am a skilled social media strategist and experienced on-line community manager.

Senior Mortgage Loan Officer NMLS # 453286 with Marketplace Home Mortgage, LLC serving the individual mortgage needs of home owners, home buyers, and residential real estate investors.

Prospect Mortgage, Minneapolis, Minnesota – December 2011 to June 2012


Responsible for developing relationships with real estate agents, financial advisors, CPAs, and builders to generate new business and the management of that loan manufacturing process through to completion. Design, develop, and implement responsible social media marketing for the growth of business. Responsible for recruiting new producing loan consultants, managing their production, and coaching as an SEO advisor.  NMLS # 453286

MetLife Home Loans, Bloomington, Minnesota – January 2011 to September 2011
Responsible for developing relationships with real estate agents, financial advisors, CPAs, and builders to generate new business and the management of that loan manufacturing process through to completion. Design, develop, and implement responsible social media marketing for the growth of business. Responsible for recruiting new producing loan consultants, managing their production, and coaching as an SEO advisor.

M&I Marshall and Ilsley Bank, Eden Prairie, Minnesota — November 2008 to January 2011
Develop and manage new accounts through cultivation of and interaction with real estate  professionals, financial planners, past customers, and bank clientele. Initiate and implement new marketing strategies and tactics, resulting in substantial increases in new residential loan origination. Generate new residential loan origination business in the range of $12 million annually.

Guaranteed Rate, Inc., Bloomington, Minnesota — August 2007 to October 2008
Managed a profitable branch of 12 to 15 loan officers generating business referrals primarily from  realtors, financial planners and CPAs. Responsible for recruiting, supervision, training and coaching of new loan originators as well as the generation and management of personal mortgage production. Guaranteed  Rate operated as Centennial Mortgage & Funding from August 2007 to March 2008.

Bell Mortgage, Chanhassen, Minnesota — April 2001 to August 2007
Developed new accounts with real estate professionals, financial planners, builders and brokers.  Managed ongoing maintenance of these accounts. Generated new residential loan origination business  averaging $25 million annually.

Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota— April 1993 to April 2001
Developed new accounts with real estate professionals, financial planners and brokers; managed ongoing account maintenance. Generated new residential loan origination business in the $30 million range annually from New York State. The Market Sales Manager position included supervising, training and coaching of  new loan originators.

Owen L. Riess, Inc., Hopkins, Minnesota — November 1990 to April 1993
Commercial and industrial sales and leasing; tenant representative brokerage, land sales, property  development and marketing, and fee based counseling.

Hoyt Development Company, Edina, Minnesota — July 1989 to November 1990
Commercial and industrial real estate development and leasing; owner representation, consulting, valuation, acquisition, and sale analysis. Coordination of all marketing programs for institutional owners, tenant businesses, and the brokerage community. Principal broker of record.

Eberhardt Commercial Real Estate Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota — April 1988 to July 1989
Commercial and industrial sales and leasing, owner and tenant representative brokerage, land sales,  and investment analysis and counseling.

IDS Financial Services Inc., An American Express Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota —
February 1986 to April 1988
Managed all real estate activities relating to leasing of first class office space for specific  IDS/American Express Financial Advisors divisional sales offices throughout the United States.

Anderson Associates, Eden Prairie, Minnesota — August 1983 to February 1986
Brokerage; corporate real estate consulting and tenant representative leasing, multi-building negotiations  from cold call qualifying through construction completion in a “total-move management” brokerage capacity.


United States Marine Corps
Aviation Operations Officer. Honorable discharge. Rank: Sergeant (E-5) — 1974 to 1978


Bachelor of Science
University of Maryland, College of Journalism, College Park, Maryland — 1983

Real Estate Development Overview
Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts —1987
Marketing Commercial Property (CCIM-100) Washington, DC. —1989
Real Estate Investment and Taxation (CCIM-101) Minneapolis, Minnesota —1989

Real Estate Brokerage License, St Paul, Minnesota — Annually 1990 to 2008

Real Estate Certificate
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Principles of Real Estate Appraisal; Principles of Property Management — 1986
Principles of Real Estate Finance; Principles of Real Estate Law — 1987
Business Site Selection and Analysis — 1988


Operations Professional of the Year, Social Media Innovation, Minnesota Mortgage Association — 2012

Commercial Cooperative Broker of the Year, Minneapolis Area Association of Realtors — 1991
Principle Player Award, Teamwork, Prudential Home Mortgage Company — 1994
Leaders Club, Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc. — 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000
Presidents Club, Bell Mortgage — 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006

References and Compendium Upon Request